SCM Class Case Study Material Handling
|Materials Management, Supply Chain Management

Suraj Oils Ltd. has been in edible oils business for the past 20 years. The company has a robust procurement and distribution network. However, due to the nature of the product, there are some cases of workmen getting injured due to slippages. the factory floor was found to be wet at some places. there is one case of fire hazard which was brought under control due to presence of mind of workman and avoided a great mishap. The factories inspector found lot of small and minor lapses which can be rectified immediately.
As the Factory Manager, you want to bring more discipline in internal material handling. You have initiated various measures including training of workmen, placing of quality posters in the workshop. However, you feel that the workmen are still not appreciating the importance of safety and go about the SOP (standard operating Procedure) for process. Though the issues pointed out by Factories inspector is closed as per his note, the lapses keep repeating. You found that new workmen are more responsive irrespective of age.
Jay, who is your Asst Manager, suggests putting cash penalty in case of lapse found and hold a workman in the SOP miss as accountable. HR manager says you should implement Quality Circles and Periodic Maintenance program. The Union Leader says that the issues are trivial, and you are unnecessarily harassing the workmen. He is in the organization since the company was formed and has been working that way only. there is no need to change. Small issues will happen and there is no need to take new steps.
Q1. how will you prepare your team for material handling and material handling procedure.
Q2. What are the steps taken for Safety in Factory floor.
Q3. Which of the above suggestion/part you will agree to implement in Workfloor. Do you have any other alternative approach to the above issue? discuss with example.
Responses from Students
1. will create awareness about the disasters that could occur due to improper handling of oil, putting up visuals of the previous disasters that occurred around the world would be of great help in creating awareness, 2. to handle materials like oils, first of all the containers used should be user friendly, if possible usage of forklifts and crates containing oil containers, can be implemented so as to reduce human errors and thereby spillages can be prevented. if oil is spilled, there will be loss of material and the susceptibility of mishaps will be increased. Also, for all the better good, appointing a spillage supervisor for definite area where the chances of it occurring is more will help .it would be inhuman to implement cash penalty as human errors are inevitable so quality circles and periodic maintenance program would bring flying colors
the team who are working should be mentally fit.
the company should maintain better relationship with disaster management agency for immediate response.
precautions should be given to teams
Monitor the mental health of works.. because sometimes absence of mind causes severe damage to the unit.
to maintain consistent housekeeping... to avoid accidents inside the unit.
placing of posters mentioning the risks nd precautions to be followed.
fire safety measures to be taken.
R2 To reduce such lapses in oil industries, we need to prepare our team for material handling that is
1)We have to make them aware of fatalities cause by such lapses...
2) We would give our team material handling equipment like Lifting equipment with better grip..
3) A special seminar will be assembled for the team for how to do material handling.
4) My point is if the workers get to know how dangerous lapses could be. they surely will try to do material handling better.
1)I would to suggest to make aware to employees sop (standard operating procedures) of machinery how to handle it and training program is conducted area with
slippages not allowed to work old age people only young workers is allowed to work such zones
To reduce the number of accidents associated with workplace equipment, employers must train employees in the proper use and limitations of the equipment they operate. In addition to powered industrial trucks, this includes knowing how to safely and effectively use equipment such as conveyors, cranes, and slings.
1)We should use the tiles in floor that are less slippery as in oil industries it would so hazardous if it's slippery.
2) Every objects in the floor should be well organised, so there would be not collision.
3) As we know oil is ignitable, our floor should be free of any type of fire source.
4) for this reason we have to ban smoking among the employees.
5) fire extinguisher should be in our company to prevent if any harm caused.
6) Safety instructions should be noted on the walls of our floor.
Create a safe work environment free of hazards following all safety and health requirements
Regularly check workplace conditions
Equip employees with the proper equipment and safety tools
Maintain all equipment and tools / replace as needed
Warn workers of all hazards on site
q1: educate the team members on self care and proactive measures to handle the situations,proper cleaning of the spilled floor, avoid leakage by using good containers, avoiding over loading by displaying capacity of equipment and avoid hurry, the floor should be such that it holds friction, provide protection equipment instead penalities
safety for factory floor - 1) automation from oil extraction till packaging provides zero leakage. 2) appoint optimum number of workers should be at one time for operations . 3)for safety use rubber floor and provide higher quality footwear to workers to reduce slipping
to handle materials like oil we need more attention and use certain containers to preserve.... using technology
Coordinate material handling across the entire enterprise. Consider all material movement when you plan and systematize.
the concerned staff must handle the packs/bottles carefully
Lakshminarasimman V Rao | SCM | Material Handling| Material Management | Corporate Neeti Consulting | Mysuru
All data above is a combination of data from Internet, purpose of this doc is for research and education only and responses received from Class students and interaction.
1. Making A Plan With Team About Handling Edible Oil From Starting To End. Guiding Team With Proper Skills To Avoid Improper Handling And Injuries Occurs Due To Improper Handling Of Oil.
2. Using Equipment And Tools Properly,
Wearing Safety Equipment,
Preventing Slips Footwear,
Keeping Work Areas Clean And
Emergency Exits Clear.
3. I Go With The HR Manager Decision Of Implementing The Quality Circles And Periodic Maintenance Program.
1. a,I will organise a meeting once a every month about basic knowledge of care handling. b, Giving training about safe handling. c, Moving them with positive way. d, Creating healthy environment between workers. e, Making aware of SOP. 2. a, Guiding them to ware a footwear having good grip. b, Gloves to hand's. c, Placing fire extinguisher in work shop. d, Placing quality posters in workshop. e, Cleaning the floor of work shop regularly. f, Marking the direction of movement in the floor of work shop. 3. a, According to me imposing penalty is a bad Idea, implementing quality circles and periodic maintenance program is a good thing to sort out the problems. ✓Daily meetings. ✓Regular training. ✓Creating positive environment. ✓By fallowing SOP. ✓Proper markings enough to sort out the problems.
Good writeup
1)I will create an awareness among my team about material handling and explain them the procedure.Then appointing a minimum number of workers in that place reduces damage.
2)For safety I suggest the workmen to put on the quality footwear.Then guiding them to reduce the damage and injuries.And as a factory manager I would put a request letter to authority to cover the floor which won't slip especially on that wet areas and to put fire extinguishers.And I would appoint a special staff for handling the materials with the proper guidelines.
3) Nobody makes the mistakes wantedly and specially in this case because if such mistakes happen they are going to hurt personally themselves so I don't go with the Assistant…